OTC Muscle Relaxants for Back Pain

OTC Muscle Relaxants for Back Pain: "Also referred as skeletal muscle relaxants, muscle relaxant is a drug that decreases the muscle tone and also affects the skeletal muscle function. Muscle spasms is a condition that often occurs during a back pain and to treat or alleviate the pain, muscle relaxants are used. Although most of these medications or muscle relaxants are to be used by prescription, there are over-the-counter or OTC muscle relaxants for back pain that can be obtained without a prescription. It is imperative to take medication to treat back pains especially, low back pain conditions which could either be acute or chronic. Chronic and acute low back pain, if not treated, can lead to much serious conditions such as insomnia, depression, etc. Therefore to relieve such back pains, one can keep some of these muscle relaxers over-the-counter for back pain at home, to take when the pain strikes.

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