Constant Nausea After Eating

Constant Nausea After Eating: "Nausea, as we know about it, can be regarded as a state that is usually a predecessor of vomiting. However, it is not always necessary that it would lead to vomiting. It may hit both children and adults, and at any age. It is to be known that constant nausea after eating, is actually a manifestation of something that is not going right in the body. Moreover, nausea, is also one of the most common symptoms of several kinds of medical conditions suffered by people in most parts of the world. Constant or chronic nausea after eating is an eating disorder, wherein, the affected person gets the sensation of throwing up, which may occur immediately after eating or may be a few hours later. And as obvious it is, it is not at all a good feeling...

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Stomach Pain and Nausea

Stomach Pain and Nausea: "In most cases, stomach pain and nausea go hand in hand. This is because stomach problems often make a person feel nauseated and automatically the appetite vanishes. Stomach flu, in which the stomach and intestine become inflamed, is considered to be one of the most common reason behind stomach pain and nausea. Some of the most common medical conditions that give rise to these health issues are given below:

Stomach Ulcers: Stomach ulcers are nothing but open wounds that form in the stomach lining or the small intestine. This is a bacterial infection that triggers stomach pain and nausea. Symptoms such as abdominal pain worsen at night."

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Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

Stomach Pain During Pregnancy: "Ectopic Pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized ovum gets implanted somewhere outside the uterus. It mostly occurs in any of the fallopian tubes. The stomach pain is felt within 6-7 weeks of fertilization. Timely treatment is a must; otherwise, the fertilized ovum can rupture and will lead to other complications. This causes abdominal pain in early pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Loss: Loss of pregnancy within 20 weeks is called miscarriage. The symptoms are vaginal bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy, followed by stomach pain. The bleeding can be either heavy or light. The intensity of pain is also variable and may be either mild or sharp, short or long lasting.

Braxton-Hicks Contraction: One of the major causes of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is Braxton-Hicks contraction. It starts mostly in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant woman has started feeling tightening of the uterus. Such contractions are generally irregular, infrequent and painless. It might be accompanied with lower back pain. "

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How to Reduce Bloating

How to Reduce Bloating: "There are mainly three causes of abdominal bloating. Often, it is associated with pre-menstrual syndromes (PMS). Secondly, it may be a part of a bigger problem such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Thirdly, it occurs due to excessive water retention by your body. Excessive water retention can, itself, be either due to over intake of salt or deficiency of water in the body. The over intake of salt helps the body to retain water along with it. When you drink inadequate amount of water, your body feels that there is deficiency of water outside. As a result, the body goes under starvation mode, and stores water in its cells for future use. The over storage of water, because of any reason, makes you look bulky and heavy. It is very important that the cause of bloating is properly detected. Visit a physician for diagnosis and medical treatment. However, if you are interested in knowing how to reduce bloating and gas naturally at the comfort of your home only, then take a look at the following.

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Stomach Pain in Right Side

Stomach Pain in Right Side: "Appendicitis: Appendicitis, or the inflammation of the appendix, is the most common cause of stomach pain on the right side. The pain caused due to appendicitis is very intense and is felt in the lower right side of the stomach. Along with abdominal pain, one also experiences nausea, vomiting and fever. Appendicitis is commonly observed in teenagers and young adults, between 12 - 30 years of age.

Ectopic Pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy is a complication in pregnancy that occurs when implantation of the fertilized egg takes place outside the uterus. If a woman undergoes ectopic pregnancy, she experiences lower stomach pain in the right side or left side.

Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is another cause of stomach pain on the lower right side. Diverticulitis is a condition that is caused when the diverticula in the colon get inflamed. Apart from stomach pain, which is the major symptom of diverticulitis, the other symptoms observed are nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea."

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