How to Reduce Bloating: "There are mainly three causes of abdominal bloating. Often, it is associated with pre-menstrual syndromes (PMS). Secondly, it may be a part of a bigger problem such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Thirdly, it occurs due to excessive water retention by your body. Excessive water retention can, itself, be either due to over intake of salt or deficiency of water in the body. The over intake of salt helps the body to retain water along with it. When you drink inadequate amount of water, your body feels that there is deficiency of water outside. As a result, the body goes under starvation mode, and stores water in its cells for future use. The over storage of water, because of any reason, makes you look bulky and heavy. It is very important that the cause of bloating is properly detected. Visit a physician for diagnosis and medical treatment. However, if you are interested in knowing how to reduce bloating and gas naturally at the comfort of your home only, then take a look at the following.
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